Adele Baumgardt is vice-chair of Sport Wales, has previously worked at the Equal Opportunities Commission and is now a self -employed consultant on all aspects of equality and diversity.
As Chair of the Sport Wales Equality Board tasked with making the decisions on Calls4Action investment, Adele explains Calls4Action and the rationale for the projects that have been successful�.
When we sit down as a Board and look at the rises in participation we have seen in recent years we rightly have a sense of satisfaction.
But that satisfaction is tinged with a steely determination that we will not allow the trend to continue that sees some people and communities in Wales far less likely to play sport than others. That is not right and we won�t accept it.
These are issues that have plagued us for generations and, if left untouched, will continue to impact on the Vision we are all striving towards, and getting every child hooked on sport for life.
Our decision to invest millions of pounds of additional National Lottery investment into cutting the inequalities gap is fully justified. We need to be investing in all our communities, particularly those that need the greatest support to grow participation.
Doing the same things will get the same results, so Calls4Action was wholly developed to generate fresh, new ideas to help close the gap for women and girls, people with a disability, those living in deprived areas and those in BME communities.
We recognise that we have the expertise in sport, but other organisations and groups have the ability and knowledge to reach the communities and individuals we are seeking to engage.
What has pleased me most is the enthusiasm and desire from organisations and groups who want to work with us.
We had 145 applications asking us for �26m of investment. Adding up the cost of all the projects amounted to �35m. That�s a huge sum, but totally vindicated our decision to open up the application process and proactively seek to reach out and identify different groups that could help us.
But we only have �3m in the pot, meaning we have had to dig really deep into the detail to find the projects that will give us the greatest return. After all, this is public money and we have to use it in the wisest way possible.
We identified 10 projects that we feel will make real inroads in getting under-represented groups involved in sport and physical activity. Their scope and geography is as varied as the organisations who are leading them.
We weren�t looking for sporting experts, but new individuals and organisations who could bring fresh ideas and ways of getting more people involved in sport.
So, what can we expect?
The potential participants are impressive, with projections of around 35,000 people taking part in the activities. Within this figure it is important to remember that a big majority will be individuals who have not been taking part in sport and physical activity.
Not just the numbers who take part, a key consideration for us was the infrastructure we could put in place for long-term benefit. Estimates that around 1,700 leaders, coaches and volunteers will be recruited and trained to deliver sessions will provide a lasting legacy of the investment we are making.
I must also emphasise sport�s ability to develop a range of life skills that can help change individual lives for the better. Make no mistake, we are in the business of sport and physical activity but we cannot separate the additional benefits that sport will bring. The evidence of the positive impact sport can have on mental health problems through the Time for Change Wales project or the promise of parents being supported into employment through the RCT Homes work will transcend the contribution we make to getting �Every Child Hooked on Sport for Life�.
The sums of money we are awarding are significant � the highest being nearly �700,000. The level of scrutiny and challenge will be high as well, but so will be the support we give to ensure success and learning for others to take.
I have every confidence that we are raising the bar again in how we invest in and deliver sport in Wales and taking positive action so that all our communities are offered the same opportunities.
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