BBC Wales Today presenter Lucy Owen is a well-known and popular face on Welsh TV screens. But, away from the public eye, does sport play a part in her family's life?
We asked Lucy how important sport is to her, and particularly for her young son
I think it's really important to have the chance to try different sports so that you can find something that you really enjoy. I found taking part in team sports a bit more difficult, and I found it easier to do individual activities. In hindsight, I wish I'd had more confidence to get involved with a team, I bet it would have been really fun. But everyone has to just find their own way, and discover the activity that works for them.
My son Gabriel plays football, rugby and has swimming lessons every week. It's just so good for him. He really enjoys having a run around and hanging out with his mates - and he sleeps like a log afterwards, which is always a bonus! Rhodri and I love taking him for a fun splash-about in the pool too. It's a great way to have family time together, and all of us get a bit of exercise in too.
I can pretty confidently say we don't have a future Welsh international on our hands! But I just hope that he continues to enjoy sport right through his life. I know there's a danger that interest in taking part can tail off in teenage years, but I want to do what I can to encourage him to keep going. For his health, but also for the enjoyment and for the friends he will make through it.
I think it's really important that exercise is part of children's lives from a young age and that as parents you set an example by being active too. We often report on obesity levels here on Wales Today and how taking part in sport can play a part in combating that. And while it is important to bear in mind, let's not forget it's great fun, and won't just benefit your health, it can enrich your life in so many ways.
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